
Truly Consciousness is the still, silent, formless, dimensionless intelligence in which the world appears.Consciousness is generally considered to be the state of the mind in which humans know and perceive what's going on in the world. This consciousness is generally considered to be an activity of the brain. This is the scientific view, but science is still unable to fully understand consciousness and how the brain generates it. Consciousness is considered to be a state of the mind, and the mind is generated by the brain somehow.

I'm certainly going to diverge from that perspective here. Rather than consciousness being in the mind and the mind being in the body, from the Non-Duality understanding it's the other way around. The mind, the body and the world appear within consciousness. And it's not just the Non-Duality understanding, it is the understanding of direct experience. All that you have ever experienced of the mind, the body and the world has been in consciousness. Without consciousness, the mind, the body and the world would not appear.

If you hear a sound it is within consciousness. If you open your eyes and look around, this moving image of the world appears in consciousness. The thoughts that float through the mind - "What shall I have for dinner?" or, "I must remember to send that message" - appear in consciousness. Your whole world picture, and all that you know about the world, is right here in consciousness. The hillside that you can see far away, that is perceived right here in consciousness. The sound of the plane flying overhead, that's perceived right here in consciousness. All that you know about your body is perceived in consciousness - the view of your hands, arms, legs and feet, the image you see in the mirror, the feelings of sadness and joy, the sensations of pain or discomfort, the softness of textures, and the tastes of your favourite foods, are all perceived in consciousness.

The mind and thinking is perceived in consciousness. Not only are the thoughts and images of the mind perceived in consciousness, but also the sense of 'I'. There is a sense of 'I am this', 'I do this', and 'I have this' that develops in the human mind, and this is perceived in consciousness.

Truly Consciousness is the still, silent, formless, dimensionless intelligence in which the world appears. The world of forms and solidity, of movement and sound, depth, distance, and change, appears within Consciousness. Consciousness, being formless and dimensionless, is without limits. The sensation and experience of limits appears within Infinite Consciousness. This sense of limits gives rise to the belief of separation and identity. The ego appears in the mind, but is perceived in Consciousness.

Withdrawing from the distractions of this apparently moving, changing world, and withdrawing from the chatter of the mind, Consciousness is known to be just the pure, effortless, unchanging presence in which the world seems to happen. It only seems to happen. Nothing is really done. Consciousness doesn't walk down the street or take a plane to Spain. Consciousness has no arms or legs. It is formless. Forms appear within Consciousness, similar to how dreams appear within the mind.

It might help to imagine nothing. Well, really it's more about not imagining anything, closing your eyes and letting go of thoughts, feelings, ideas and concepts, and just letting the mind be quiet for a short time.... You know that you're here. You are Consciousness. You are alive. You exist. But you aren't over there somewhere. There is no distance or limits. 'You' can't be found or defined. But you know you are aware. This is the shared core of all that is experienced. It is the Self Aware Consciousness. It has no 'substance', form or identity. It is this in which form and identity are experienced.

Open your eyes again and the world seems to fill Consciousness, but Consciousness remains just as it is.

When the seemingly finite mind returns to Infinite Consciousness it is clear that it never really left

Where does the mind end and the body begin? This is an interesting question to consider. In Non Duality sometimes 'the mind' refers to the seemingly finite mind, sometimes it refers to Infinite Consciousness. There's no problem with this, as the seemingly finite mind can be considered as the peak of a wave on the ocean of Infinite Consciousness, which could equally be called Infinite Mind or Awareness. When the seemingly finite mind returns to Infinite Consciousness it is clear that it never really left and there never really was a finite mind.

This finite mind seems to get tangled up in identifying with the body, and limits itself accordingly. It's impossible to find where the mind ends and the body begins. The mind controls much of the movement of the body, and the state of the mind affects the emotions and even the physical health of the body. The eyes see the body (except from where they are seeing from) and other senses give a rounded picture of the body. We feel when there is a pain in the body, if the body is thirsty, hungry, tired or weak. All these perceptions and sensations of the body are experienced in the mind. It is the mind that is the centre of perception and sensation for the body. It is in this way that sometimes Non Duality teachers speak of the body-mind.

This understanding of perceptions and sensations appearing in the mind leads to a deeper recognition that the mind and the body aren't really separate. The mind is mistaken in its sense of identity with the body. The body and the world are perceived in the seemingly finite mind. Thoughts are also perceived in the mind, seemingly by the identity or ego. This ego or sense of identity is also witnessed. We witness our sense of identity in the mind. All that the seemingly finite mind perceives is witnessed by a deeper 'collective mind' or shared mind, that is Infinite Consciousness. Ultimately there is no finite mind, body, or world. There is only Infinite Consciousness.


The mind is not separate from Infinite Pure Consciousness or Awareness.What is meant by Awareness, Consciousness and Mind? There are differing views as to what is meant by Awareness, Consciousness and Mind. Similar to Rupert Spira, I use Awareness and Consciousness interchangeably for the same innate quality of Knowing, which is the nature of our shared Aware Being. Mind is then considered to be that field in which thoughts, feelings, sensations, perceptions and the world are experienced. The mind is known by Awareness/Consciousness.

Ultimately in Non Duality there are not these three different 'things'. The mind is not separate from Infinite Pure Consciousness or Awareness. The mind only thinks it's a mind.

It is like the mind is a movie of a limited human experience on the screen of Infinite Pure Awareness/Consciousness.

The intelligence of the mind is not the pure knowing of Awareness. The mind's intelligence is artificial in a sense that it is based on relative terms. For instance, we may feel that we know the sky is blue, because we know what the sky is, we know what blue is, and we see the sky appearing to be blue. The intelligence of the mind connects accepted terms and beliefs, which are based on other accepted terms and beliefs. The mind can construct a complex network of shared relative terms that can either be considered as true or false knowledge. Just like that sentence.

That's what the mind does. But it is ultimately flawed. No matter how accurate knowledge can be, it's is never truly accurate. It can only describe something based on terms accepted as true, and knowledge can never be what it pertains to know. For example, if we study Love and gain intellectual knowledge about Love, this knowledge is not the same as knowing Love. Or if we study what is known of a Kestrel, that knowledge is not the Kestrel itself.

So back to Awareness, which can be considered as Pure Knowing. There is no object to this knowing. There is nothing other than Awareness to be known. Awareness is Self-Knowing.


The sense of being a separate self is a mistakeThere are many teachers of non-duality, including the world itself. But let's look here at the difference between those that say there is nothing that can be done and those that say there is something that can be done. If you look into Non-Duality enough you will encounter teachers who say that there are practices that can be done to reach self-realisation, and some who say that you can't do anything because your true nature is self realised already.

The latter is perhaps the most truthful. A core teaching of Non-Duality is that the separate self cannot achieve enlightenment or self-realisation. This may sound strange to some, but the reason is simple: there is no separate self. Separation is illusory. The sense of being a separate self is a mistake in the mind. The identity of oneself as a human separate from other humans is flawed. Your true nature is the formless Awareness of the human experience.

So, as much as human longing is for happiness due to the sense of separation and being incomplete, this is more of a muddle in the mind. The unhappiness arises due to the mistaken identity as a separate being. The true Self is the selfless self, which is complete, infinite, formless, without separation or division. It is the true Self seemingly at the heart of all apparently separate selves.

But humans are driven by this sense of being separate. We compete against and clash with 'others', we seek happiness, we have wants and needs, we are always incomplete. Even spiritually seeking enlightenment is an expression of this search for happiness, peace and wholeness. But the separate self cannot achieve it. True Peace is already here. True Peace is the nature of our timeless being. So the teachers who say that people can do nothing to achieve it are right. It is like trying to be yourself. You are yourself already. There is nothing to do. And, in fact, your true nature does not do. All actions and movement, space and time, are illusory. The True Self is unchanging, beyond concepts of space, time, distance and movement.

This high level of Non-Duality teaching does not help most people. It may for some bring about a leap from searching to self-realisation, where suddenly the illusory sense of being a separate self is shattered, and Awareness is as it is. But for many people there is no immediate satisfaction in this knowledge. Knowledge will not satisfy. People still want practices. People still feel the need for something to be achieved. It is for this reason that many Non-Duality teachers give practices and guidance for seekers to 'reach' self-realisation.

Are practices necessary? Well, yes and no. If they seem necessary and the spiritual urge rises in a person then they will be or seem necessary. Will they achieve enlightenment? Well, yes and no. If a person feels the need to reach enlightenment then spiritual practices may be the way to get there. But it should be recognised that 'there' is right here, right now. There is nowhere to get to. Enlightenment or self-realisation is not experienced by the illusory person, it is the underlying nature of what is.

Self-realisation is the core of the apparently separate world. It seems to be the Oneness at the heart of the separate being. But there is no separate being or world. There is only self aware Oneness. If a human feels the need to turn inwards and seek its true identity, then it will do so. The sense of separation will always seek unity or oneness, which consumes the illusion of separateness.