When asked who I am I may give my name. That's usually the expected answer. But that's not really who I am. That's just what people call me, or call this human being. Am I this human being? Let's explore.
Let's analyse what I am if I consider myself to be a human being. Okay, so the human is a complex organism, but what I'm concerned about is: where are the limits of this human being? We can assume that this human form is limited by its skin, hair and nails. That sums up the outer 'shell' of the human form. But there's a problem. It's always changing. The skin is in a constant flow of change. We don't really notice, but dead skin falls off and is continually replaced. Hair and nails are always growing. We cut our hair and nails and consider then that they are no longer part of us.
So this superficially stable defined human outer shell is always changing. There's another problem. The human form interacts with the environment (the planet of which it is made) by breathing in gas, eating solids, drinking liquids, assimilating some of this and ejecting some (in a transformed manner). This human form is always changing. Not a second goes by without the body changing. You don't really notice it. There is an appearance of temporary permanence, but really the body never stops changing.
There are also questions about my limits in time if I am a human being. When did I begin? We may arbitrarily say it was when I was conceived. But that isn't a fixed point in time. There is a slow process of bringing a new human form into being. If we consider it carefully enough it can be seen that there is no real beginning. We say we have a family tree, where we come from. This human form comes from the flow and interactions of the human beings that preceded it. There isn't a true starting point that defines where a human being begins.
Similarly, at the death of this human form, it will break down into elements that return to the flow of the planet. I say 'return to' but they never left. This human body is really an expression of the flow of the planet. It is not truly an independent discrete form. It only seems to be that way.
The human mind develops the sense of independent discrete identity based on the way the body and world appears. But it's not true. I'm not really a human being, because I find no ends to the form that I superficially call a human being. There is only an appearance of limits to this human form. To identify with it is to believe in a false limitation.
Truly there are no limits. There is no limited identity. I am not this or that. I am.