In a previous article it was discussed how evil appears in the world. Let's take a brief look at this again and consider the laws that maintain balance in the universe. Essentially evil appears in the world of opposites as the reflection of the formless Singularity. It can be considered that the world appears as an interplay of opposites, as a separation of the formless Singularity, the Infinite One Being. As the world 'materialises' far from the source, it appears as a hardened, limited, separated multiplicity of forms - the opposite of the Infinite One Singularity.
The ego develops far from the Singularity as the sense of 'I am this, not that', a limited sense of self separate from others. The extreme of the ego is what we call 'evil', where it is so hardened and isolated, and has such a strong sense of its own identity different to the world that evil actions are the outcome. The evil ego is the opposite of the Infinite One Being, imagining itself as separate from others, far from the goodness and peace of the Oneness of Being.
This evil ego and indeed all egos are illusory. They are a mistaken sense of identity within the Singularity of Being. There are not many beings, just one infinite Being. But the world appears through the method of this reflection into opposites. When one of these apparently separate beings realises its true nature there is no longer a sense of separate self. This is what we call enlightenment, where the apparently separate self is extinguished (nirvana) and the pure Infinite Being is effectively realised, although here all along.
You have likely heard of Karma. This arises as a consequence of actions from the Law of Opposites. The Law of Opposites is the universal law that is naturally active in the world, as the the world appears by this method of reflection and separation into opposites. The Law of Opposites ensures balance in the universe. What appears must disappear. What is done must be undone. This happens naturally due to the reality of the Singularity, which can never be broken. The Singularity can only appear to be broken in two, and if this is done it will inevitably be undone, as the reality is maintained. It may be that through the appearance of space and time the Unchanging Formless Being appears as changing form, but this must be resolved with the closure of space and time back into the Singularity from which it appears to have come.
In practical terms for humanity and the evolution of souls this means that actions must be undone. This is what we call Karma. Any separation caused by a soul in its human form must be resolved or cancelled out. Any harm to the Oneness must be resolved. Any division in the One must be mended. For the soul that means that any harmful actions that caused division between itself and the world must be undone. The soul must mend this separation of the One. The soul must return to the Oneness from whence it came, and in so doing put the wrongs right. Karma.
That is the play of the world of opposites anyhow. But the underlying reality is the timeless Singularity. There are not multiple souls that go out and get lost far from the Oneness of God. There is only the Oneness of God. This is why it is said that in self-realisation or enlightenment the soul is freed from karma. From the perspective of the soul it returns to the heart of Oneness and resolves the separation it caused. From the perspective of Oneness there never was a soul and there never was separation. The world is a play of opposites in the Infinite One Being.