We can never be far from God or near to God. We are never really a sinner or a saint.There was a period of my life when I wondered what was the best way to live. How could I be a good person? How could I do the right thing? What was the right thing to do? So I made some changes and developed some principals, such as not eating meat, recycling, supporting good causes, not misleading people or being unkind, and making an effort not to do anything that seemed dishonest. I was even sometimes called 'Do Right Dave'...

All that is fine, and in some ways trying to be a better person brings one closer to the true nature of being. Or at least it can seem that way. 'The saint is closer to God than the sinner,' we could say. It's kind of true, relatively speaking, but not absolutely true. Let's break it down and build it up.

The 'saint' is the good person, doing good things, being kind to others, helping others; being selfless, we might say. This is close to God, where God is Oneness. The 'saint' is close to Oneness by being less self-centred and more focused on the whole, showing love and kindness to all. The 'sinner' on the other hand is selfish, looking out for 'number one', all taking and no giving, and showing hate and disdain for others. This certainly seems far from godliness, and it describes someone who selfishly puts themselves as more important than the whole. The 'sinner' seems far removed from Oneness.

That's how it seems. But truly Oneness is here throughout. There only appears to be differences. There only appears to be far from God and near to God. God, or the Infinite One, is right here where everything appears. Nothing is outside of God. Goodness seems to be close to Reality or the Truth of Being Infinitely One. Badness only seems to be far from it. But there is no inside or outside of the Infinite One. The apparent opposite of near and far appear within the unbounded space of the Infinite One.

We can never be far from God or near to God. We are never really a sinner or a saint. That is the appearance of the world as if it was the Infinite One separated. But this separation doesn't happen. We are never a person of any kind, though we may experience the life of a person. I call it the human experience. The human may make changes to be a better person, and that is good and fine, and in keeping with the understanding that there is only One and our true nature is this Infinite One.

There comes a point when the 'saint' (in the human experience), becoming closer to oneness, lets go of the ideas of being a 'saint', being a person doing actions, whether good or bad. This letting go is Freedom. It is the Freedom of just being. Some say it is freedom from karma, and in a way it is. The Infinite One is not subject to karma, the Law of Opposites. When the identity as a human doing actions is dropped, the person is no more, and it is clear that there is only ever the Infinite One. Actions of the human may continue, but there is no attachment to them, no separate person doing actions.

So you see here the path from doing bad, to doing good, to not identifying with doing at all. The question of whether an action is good or bad no longer arises. There is no choice to make. There is no seeing the world or actions as good or bad. There is the clear knowing that there is only God, the Infinite One. No saints or sinners. No heaven or hell. No near or far from God. Only the Infinite One.