Is it possible to be aware of anything outside of consciousness? If we close our eyes and focus attention on the body we can sense where our feet are, where our hands are etc. There is a sense of vibration. There's not a clearly defined boundary of the body. It's a vague sense of vibration here and there.
Still with our eyes closed we can focus on sounds. Sound can also be understood as vibration we can sense. It is the same with all senses - they can be considered as the detection of vibration, change or fluctuation, at different levels that we can call frequencies. For example the sense of taste is the detection of subtle interaction between the taste buds and the food making contact.
All this sense perception happens within consciousness. If we close our eyes and focus on our feet we experience the subtle vibration that we think of as the feet. But let's take away the label of feet. Really there is the experience of a subtle vibration. This vibration is within consciousness. All sensations, and indeed our whole world experience, are vibrations or fluctuations within consciousness. Okay, so consciousness is another label. It is that in which and by which we know.
The pointer here is that what we consider as our body and the world outside is all a vibration or fluctuation within consciousness. Nothing is outside consciousness. It is consciousness that knows the body and world, and it is consciousness that the body and world appear within as vibrations of the one substance of consciousness.
The whirlpools, waves and currents of the ocean are all fluctuations of the ocean. It is the same with the world and consciousness. The world is a fluctuation within consciousness, and there is nothing other than or outside of consciousness.
It is this Consciousness that seems to be the heart of all experiences and all experiencers. It seems to be the heart of all conscious beings. It is One heart. Yet it is the whole. It seems to be the heart when we still hold a concept of inside and outside. But when this is dropped there is only What Is. It is this one Being that is known as Consciousness, God, the Self, Brahman, the Infinite One.