The collective human mind is still evolving. Generally it feels that it is limited and encased in the human body.Ever wondered what being human was all about? We're going to take a look here at what I call 'the human experience'. It helps to have an understanding of Non-Duality, which I can very briefly summarise as the spiritual teaching that there is not a multiplicity, there is only What Is, which is our true nature, and has been described by sages as Sat-Chit-Ananda or Being-Consciousness-Bliss. Non-Duality is the recognition that we are not limited human beings, we are the Infinite One Consciousness, also known as God or the Self of Selves, and our nature is peace.

If that resonates with you, read on. If not, you can find out more from some of my other blogs.

So, looking at the world from the Non-Duality perspective, what is this human experience? Let's start from the beginning. Okay, there isn't really a beginning. The beginning only seems to appear from the timeless Infinite Being. Let's start there. The Infinite One, the Supreme Being is Pure Consciousness, formless and perfect peace. There is no movement in the Supreme Being, because there is nowhere to go. There is nothing other than the Infinite One.

Imagine the perfectly still surface of a lake. Perfect Peace. Now imagine that in the centre of that lake there is a motion, a fluctuation, causing a ripple, then multiple ripples, flowing outwards from the centre till they reach the limits of the lake. This is how the universe appears in the Supreme Being, in Consciousness. Vibration and fluctuation appears within the stillness and ripples out, till it reaches limits. See how the spiritual realms are created from the initial fluctuation in the Stillness, and multiplicity seems to spread outwards from the Still Centre. The Still Centre then stands as the shining light of the universe, as God the Creator of all. Spiritual beings are formed close to the Centre, and they go outwards in exploration across the lake, experiencing a range of frequencies in the fluctuation, from close to the Centre to far from the Centre, from close to the Light to far from the Light.

Close to the Centre the spiritual beings are near God and in God's likeness. But as they stretch further away they become less and less like the Centre of Peace. They become hardened, increasingly dense, and their limits seem more defined. It is in these denser realms, seemingly far from the Heart of God, that the human experience arises. Planet Earth develops, forms within the planet develop and evolve. Humanity evolves to a point of dominance, developing intelligence and concepts of itself as important.

The human being is far from the Heart of God. So much so that its qualities are a poor reflection of God. Further from the peace of God, humanity becomes warlike. Further from the Selfless Whole Being of God, humanity becomes selfish and incomplete. Further from the Spiritual Being of God, humanity becomes heavy, hardened, burdened, restricted and confused. Humanity loses sight of its connection with God. Humanity believes in itself above others. It loses touch with the Fullness of Life, and finds itself struggling in a world of opposites, knowing good and evil, love and hate, joy and sorrow, life and death. This is the stretching of opposites far from the Infinite Oneness of God.

This is the human experience. It may be considered that we are spiritual beings that have flowed out from the Heart of God and incarnated in these dense bodies to learn from the human experience. What do we learn? We experience what it's like to be limited. We experience what we are not. We are not truly limited, although in the human experience it can feel that we are. The collective human mind is still evolving. Generally it feels that it is limited and encased in the human body. We experience this sense of being encased in human dense form and clashing and competing with other dense forms. We experience opposites at an extreme level. We experience qualities that are the far opposite of God's nature - hate, cruelty, confusion, selfishness, war, ignorance, division, separation, sadness, darkness, lack, greed, torment, restriction. These qualities can only be experienced far from God. But their opposites are also experienced to a degree.

So this is the human experience, where many things are possible that would not be possible close to the Infinite Light of God. But you may have heard of Samsara, where it is considered that the spiritual being or soul becomes caught in the attractions of the world, entangled in the opposing forces of karma, and cannot escape from the endless cycle of rebirth. The soul becomes attached to human life and reincarnates seemingly endlessly, until it becomes aware of its 'fall' and turns around, arises from the density of matter to spiritual freedom, or Moksha, Liberation, or Self-Realisation.

This Self-Realisation is not a letting go of identifying as human and recognising that I am a soul. It is more accurately a recognition that there is only God. This lake of ripples we imagined is God alone. There are not truly many spiritual beings. There is nowhere that can be far from God. God is infinite and indivisible. The spiritual realms and the denser material realms are always Spirit, or Consciousness, or the Mind of God. There is only God. It only seems that the human experience is far from God.

There are no limits. There only seem to be limits. There is no death, only life. We do not become souls or humans. There is only God, infinite, limitless, peaceful Consciousness, within which the play of vibrations, fluctuations and opposites appears.